Elite Neurosurgeon Instantly Banned After Disclosing Controversial Findings to the Public.
Dr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon who specializes in physics, light, magnetism, and electricity. Through his research, he has determined that modern medicine lacks a comprehensive understanding of how humans interact with the natural world.
👉🏼 Watch the full speech here:
Templeton Times
Fluoride Information
Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.
Monday, March 10, 2025
Video: Top Brain Surgeon Instantly Banned After Revealing This!
19.Counter-Attack On Democracy: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
19.Counter-Attack On Democracy: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
Counter-Attack On Democracy
By standards of the time, America was Utopia already. No grinding poverty, no dangerous national enemies, no indigenous tradition beyond a general spirit of exuberant optimism, a belief the land had been touched by destiny, a conviction Americans could accomplish anything. John Jay wrote to Jefferson in 1787, "The enterprise of our country is inconceivable" — inconceivable, that is, to the British, Germans, and French, who were accustomed to keeping the common population on a leash. Our colonial government was the creation of the Crown, of course, but soon a fantastic idea began to circulate, a belief that people might create or destroy governments at their will.
The empty slate of the new republic made it vulnerable to advanced Utopian thinking. While in England and Germany, temptation was great to develop and use Oriental social machinery to bend mass population into an instrument of elite will, in America there was no hereditary order or traditional direction. We were a nation awash in literate, self- reliant men and women, the vast majority with an independent livelihood or ambitions toward getting one. Americans were inventors and technicians without precedent, entrepreneurs unlocked from traditional controls, dreamers, confidence men, flim-flam artists. There never was a social stew quite like it.
The practical difficulties these circumstances posed to Utopian governing would have been insuperable except for one seemingly strange source of enthusiasm for such an endeavor in the business community. That puzzle can be solved by considering how the promise of democracy was a frightening terra incognita to men of substance. To look to men like Sam Adams or Tom Paine as directors of the future was like looking down the barrel of a loaded gun, at least to people of
Concientización, bougieness, and the rebirth of critical thinking in the Covid era
Concientización, bougieness, and the rebirth of critical thinking in the Covid eraNow more than ever it is essential to throw off our mental shackles
I. Concientización I started college in 1988 during the last few months of Reagan’s presidency. I finished college in 1992 during the last few months of George H.W. Bush’s presidency. I’ve always been drawn to politics and I majored in political science. But the quality of political thinking in the U.S. at the time was abysmal. The Democratic Party was feckless — completely lost in the wilderness of its own incompetence. The bougie academic left was obsessed with John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice (1971) which was a way of thinking about class and disadvantage without mentioning class struggle. It ultimately proved to be politically toothless. The Republican Party was in control of the nation’s political direction but it was mired in endless cheerleading for the most base instincts of the American psyche. It seemed that every policy speech was some version of America F*ck Yeah: If one cares about freedom and human flourishing, one must dismantle the oppressive structures inherited from the past. In the late 1980s/early 1990s, the people doing the best work in that regard were mainly in Latin America — revolutionary leaders in Nicaragua and El Salvador, Chilean exiles fighting against Pinochet, and theologians working on liberation theology throughout the region. Politically, socially, and spiritually they challenged 500 years of conquest, feudalism, and genocide and they were having some success. |
Chapter One: A TERRORIST ATTACK IN ITALY -Nato's Secret Armies by Daniele Ganser
A TERRORIST ATTACK IN ITALY In a forest near the Italian village Peteano a car bomb exploded on May 31, 1972. The bomb gravely wounded one and killed three members of the Carabinieri, Italy's paramilitary police force. The Carabinieri had been lured to the spot by an anonymous phone call. Inspecting the abandoned Fiat 500, one of the Carabinieri had opened the hood of the car that triggered the bomb. An anonymous call to the police two days later implicated the Red Brigades, a Communist terrorist group attempting to change the balance of power in Italy at the time through hostage- takings and cold-blooded assassinations of exponents of the state. The police immediately cracked down on the Italian left and rounded up some 200 Communists. For more than a decade the Italian population believed that the Red Brigades had committed the Peteano terrorist attack. |
Then, in 1984, young Italian Judge Felice Casson reopened the long dormant case after having discovered with surprise an entire series of blunders and fabrications surrounding the Peteano atrocity. Judge Casson found that there had been no police investigation on the scene. He also discovered that the report which at the time claimed that the explosive used in Peteano had been the one traditionally used by the Red Brigades was a forgery. Marco Morin, an expert for explosives of the Italian police, had deliberately provided fake expertise. He was a member of the Italian right-wing organisation 'Ordine Nuovo' and within the Cold War context contributed his part to what he thought was a legitimate way of combating the influence of the Italian Communists. Judge Casson was able to prove that the explosive used in Peteano contrary to Morin's expertise was C4, the most powerful explosive available at the time, used also by NATO. 'I wanted that new light should be shed on these years of lies and mysteries, that's all', Casson years later told journalists in his tiny office in an eighteenth-century courthouse on the banks 1 of Venice's lagoon. 'I wanted that Italy should for once know the truth.' |
On February 24, 1972, a group of Carabinieri had by chance discovered an underground arms cache near Trieste containing arms, munitions and C4 explosive identical to the one used in Peteano. The Carabinieri believed that they had unveiled the arsenal of a criminal network. Years later, the investigation of Judge Casson was able to reconstruct that they had stumbled across one of more than hundred underground arsenals of the NATO-linked stay-behind secret army that |
in Italy was code-named Gladio, the sword. Casso found that the Italian mililary
secret service and the government at the time had gone to great lengths in order to keep the Trieste discovery and above all its larger strategic context a secret. |
As Casson continued to investigate the mysterious cases of Peteano and Trieste, he discovered with surprise that not the Italian left but Italian right-wing groups and the military secret service had been involved in the Peteano terror. Casson's investigation revealed that the right-wing organisation Ordine Nuovo had collaborated very closely with the Italian Military Secret Service, SID (Servizio Informazioni Difesa). Together they had engineered the Peteano terror and then wrongly blamed the militant extreme Italian left, the Red Brigades. Judge Casson identified Ordine Nuovo member Vincenzo Vinciguerra as the man who had planted the Peteano bomb. Being the last man in a long chain of command, Vinciguerra was arrested years after the crime. He confessed and testified that he had been covered by an entire network of sympathisers in Italy and abroad who had ensured that after the attack he could escape. 'A whole mechanism came into action', Vinciguerra recalled, 'that is, the Carabinieri, the Minister of the Interior, the customs services and the military and civilian intelligence services accepted 2 the ideological reasoning behind the attack'. |
Hawaii Kills Bill to End Vaccine Exemptions After Massive Pushback From Public
Toxic Exposures
Hawaii Kills Bill to End Vaccine Exemptions After Massive Pushback From Public
Rep. Diamond Garcia, House minority floor leader, who opposed the bill, told The Defender it was defeated because the “people of Hawai‘i sent a clear message: medical freedom is non-negotiable.”

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Hawaii’s religious exemption from vaccine mandates is safe — at least for now. Under pressure from constituents, state lawmakers voted yesterday to table a bill that would have repealed the exemption.
House Bill 1118 was part of the “governor’s package,” a set of proposed bills that make up Gov. Josh Green’s legislative agenda.
The bill, introduced in January in the House and Senate, aimed to curb the growing rates of non-medical exemptions in the state over the last 10 years.
However, the proposed legislation encountered stiff pushback from the public and grassroots organizations in Hawaii, who responded with letters, public statements and rallies opposing the bill.
Constituents submitted more than 2,000 written statements to state lawmakers opposing the bill and just over 100 supporting it.
When the bill came up for discussion in Tuesday’s legislative session, Democratic Rep. Chris Todd moved to “recommit” it back to committee, effectively tabling it. Rep. Dee Morikawa, House majority leader, seconded the motion, which then passed.
The bill will not continue to the Senate floor.
Rep. Diamond Garcia, House minority floor leader, who opposed the bill, told The Defender it was defeated because the “people of Hawai‘i sent a clear message: medical freedom is non-negotiable.”
He added:
“HB1118 was an assault on our First Amendment rights and an attempt to coerce families into medical tyranny. But when the people rise, politicians listen. The overwhelming public opposition forced House leadership to retreat because they knew they didn’t have the votes.
“This is a victory for the people of Hawai‘i, who stood up against government overreach and made their voices impossible to ignore. The fight isn’t over, but yesterday proved that when we apply the heat, they feel it.”
Kim Haines, former head of Children’s Health Defense’s Hawaii Chapter, said that Hawaiians came out in force to oppose the bill and that people from across the country also reached out to support them.
Are Dangerous Vaccine Protocols Causing the Deadly Measles Outbreak in Texas?
Are Dangerous Vaccine Protocols Causing the Deadly Measles Outbreak in Texas?Texas DSHS recommends ‘unvaccinated adults and children’ who become infected with measles receive one dose of the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine in ‘order to lessen the severity of symptoms.’
March 5, 2025: The Texas Department State of Health Services (DSHS) and media outlets have reported that a an ‘unvaccinated’ school-aged child tragically died from the ‘widespread measles outbreak’ and 22 patients have been hospitalized. Texas Recommends Vaccinating Actively Infected ChildrenHowever, per published state protocols, Texas Health Services recommends vaccinating ‘unvaccinated children and adults’ who are exposed to the measles virus in order to lessen the severity of the symptoms. “A dose of MMR is given to UNVACCINATED people within 72 hours of their exposure to the measles to lessen the severity of the illness IF they get sick from their exposure to the virus. We are looking into if any of these cases received their MMR dose after exposure.” Share this FREE Kingston Report. “Not Vaccinated” Includes Children and Adults Who Were Vaccinated with MMR During the Texas OutbreakTexas is categorizing measles unvaccinated, wild-type infected adults and children who received one dose of the MMR vaccine during ‘the outbreak’ still has ‘Not Vaccinated’ or ‘Unknown Status.’ |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella And Varicella Vaccine For Children Shows Nanobot Swarms, Quantum Dots And Self Assembly Hydrogel - Repost of Analysis
Given the recent discussion about MMR vaccination, I wanted to repost this analysis I did in September 2023. When considering vaccine safety, microscopy analysis should be considered, as many of the findings we see in the blood can be identified to self assemble in childhood vaccines.
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Did not find video Larger pieces of hydrogel can be seen moving in the extremely busy background Did not find video
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Did not find video Here is what this looks like after about 70 minutes: |